Friday, April 24, 2009

Adoption Resource Exchange

This is the weekend that The Adoption Council of Ontario puts on the Adoption Resource Exchange in Toronto, Ontario. The title of the Sat April 25th conference this go around is A Family for Me!

Adoption Connections will be there, look for the Adoption Connections table.

The Keynote Speakers – ZoĆ« Bourgeois and Maryanne Bourgeois - No Longer an Orphan of the System Zoe was adopted at age 15 after 9 1/2 years in foster care. This is her story. Her message is "Don't give up on us. Somebody hear us because we need to belong to someone". Maryanne, Zoe's mom will share her experiences both as an adoptive mother and as a person who was adopted as a teenager. The theme of the "need to belong" crosses generations and borders between countries in the search for "forever families" for children.
Here is a list of the other presentations throughout the day.

* Getting Started in Adoption/How to Adopt 101 – Homestudy Part 1 of 2 (102 is the second piece of this session)
* Older Child Adoption - Is It Right For You?
* Profile Writing:
* Sensory integration:
* Adoption in the Schools - How to Advocate for Your Child:
* Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
* Getting Started in Adoption/How To Adopt 102 - Private, Public, International Part 2 of 2:
* Adoption LifeBook
* Honouring Culture/ Heritage:
* We Are All In This Together – How to Influence and Manage Children’s Behaviours:
* LGBT Adoption 201:
* Proactive Waiting
* Let’s Talk About Adoption Panel- moderated by Michael Greenhow, ACO Board Member

Sunday April 26th is the day the social workers from numerous Children's Aid Society and Family and Children's Services will be presenting Waiting Children from their agencies.

We hope this is a weekend of much learning and connections for many.

Shelley Ibbotson
Adoption Connections

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